Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tombstone Tuesday - Thanks to Kindness of others!

I wasn't going to post today, but then I was lucky enough to have someone stop by a gravesite and take some pictures for me.  So nice!

 *This ones are bit difficult to read, but you can on some of the others he took*

They are both in the Trinity Union Cemetery in Glanford, Wentworth County. 

Note the different spellings of the last name.

This first one is
Wilber Hendershott (July 12 1851 - July 30 1916) and his wife Elizabeth Matilda Neil (Dec 17 1857-June 2 1925)
Elizabeth M. Neil is my GG Grandfathers sister.

This second one is Wilbers parents
Philip Hendershot (1827 - 1906) and his wife Catharine Olphiant (1832 - 1908)

Some of the dates are a bit off, from what I have, so I will need to investigate that at some point.

Happy Tuesday!

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